Create a Location

This is the first step on the way to listing an amenity.

Ellen Schaeffer avatar
Written by Ellen Schaeffer
Updated over a week ago

The first step to listing an amenity is creating the location where the amenity will be available. If the amenity is available to your guests at their vacation rental, this is the address you will add. There is no limit to the number of locations, but you only have to add a location once, even if you have more than one rentable amenity at the location.

To get started, click the "Create a New Location" button on your dashboard.

You will then be prompted to enter the location details.

Ready to add more? Simply click "ADD MORE LOCATIONS" or return to your dashboard at any time and follow these steps. Selecting "CONTINUE" will take you to the next step in the onboarding process.

To review your listed location, head back to the main dashboard and select "View your locations."

Now you're ready to create your first amenity!

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