Rental Revenue

Important details regarding guest bookings from the Mount app.

Ellen Schaeffer avatar
Written by Ellen Schaeffer
Updated over a week ago

When a guest rents an amenity, Mount takes 20% of all the revenue generated through our platform. The revenue price structure helps align our interests, so when you make money, we make money.

Who is the Merchant of Record

Mount is considered the Merchant of Record. We facilitate all transactions and then distribute your proceeds at the end of the month.

Coming Soon! A dashboard on your admin platform will allow you to track your bookings and revenue.

How much will you earn?

Your earning potential depends on factors like amenity type, occupancy, pricing rates, and host marketing. Successful amenity marketing always leads to better amenity utilization. Guests need to know that amenities are available to rent, how the rental process works, where the amenities are located, etc. For additional guidance on messaging, see our Marketing Resources.

Now that we've covered the basics, it's time to dig into how the amenity rental process works.

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