Mount Amenity Subscription

Details on monthly subscription plans, including insurance coverage.

Ellen Schaeffer avatar
Written by Ellen Schaeffer
Updated over a week ago

When you list an amenity on the Mount platform, you will then need to order a Mount QR code, which is printed on a durable, weather-proof sticker. Each QR code costs $2.50, and will be shipped within 24 hours of purchase.

When you order your QR code, you will also be creating a payment method for a monthly $15 amenity subscription, which will be charged once your amenity is live and taking rentals. The fee also covers insurance where applicable.

Note: The subscription fee will not be charged if an amenity is not rented within your monthly billing cycle.

Each amenity you list will require a QR code and a monthly amenity subscription.

Your subscription is on a month to month basis. However, we encourage hosts to stay on the platform for a minimum of 12 months to understand how your amenity utilization fluctuates with seasonality.

For more on amenity setup and pricing, see Getting Started with Amenities.

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